Talking To Myself: An Apology To My Blog

Bouquet of flowers
I'm Sorry!

Talking To Myself:  An Apology To My Blog

Reddsmitty:  Hi Blog.

Blog:  Hi Reddsmitty.

Reddsmitty:  I’ve missed you.

Blog:  I’ve missed you too.

Reddsmitty:  Sorry it’s been a while since I posted.

Blog:  A “while”?  That’s an understatement…it’s been 5 months and 3 days.

Reddsmitty:  How have you been?

Blog:  Lonely…bored…bloated with drafts.  How could you leave me like that?

Reddsmitty:  I’ve been…busy.

Blog:  You’re unemployed.

Reddsmitty:  Hey now, I’m starting a new job next week!  And you know I only write when the spirit moves me.

Blog:  I thought maybe the spirit buried you. Congrats on the new job, by the way.  Perhaps that will “inspire” you to visit more often.  What inspired you to visit today anyway?

Reddsmitty:  I joined Scott Bishop’s 28 Day Blogging Challenge

Blog:  You’re going to blog 28 days in a row?  Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!  You can’t be serious.

Reddsmitty:  I am serious!  It was the least I could do to make it up to you.  Well, that and the flowers.

Blog:  The flowers are a nice touch. Thank you.

Reddsmitty:  You’re welcome.  So am I forgiven?

Blog:  I suppose.  Committing to 28 blogs in 28 days is, well, an overwhelming and generous gesture.   So yes, I forgive you.  I do have one request.

Reddsmitty:  Anything.

Blog:  Could you outfit me with some of those snazzy new buttons and perhaps update the About page?

Reddsmitty:  I’ll see what I can do.  Good night Blog.  Talk to you tomorrow!

Blog: Goodnight Reddsmitty.

Bouquet of Flowers courtesy of p_jp55 and Flickr


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